Tokenomics Details
Token name: ANN Center Symbol: CentA Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Contract Address: 0x3E3f88Da26269A1A1ecc599ef2c3C6800637E086 Exchange: PancakeSwap Decimals: 18 Web Site :
Mintable: No Pausable: No Max Amount per Wallet: 3% Blacklist: No
Transaction Taxes: Buy: 4% Sell: 8%
Buy Tax Breakdown (4%):
1% Liquidity Pool Addition
1% Marketing
1% Team Salaries
1% Development, Server Expenses, Business Deals
Sell Tax Breakdown (8%):
2% Advertising and Marketing
2% Liquidity Pool Addition
2% Consultancy Expenses
2% Bonus Distribution
How to Add CentA Token to Your Wallet?
Switching to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network: If you haven't already, you need to switch to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network. If you are using MetaMask or Trust Wallet, you can follow these steps:
For MetaMask:
Log in to your MetaMask account.
At the top, usually next to the network name, you'll see that the Ethereum mainnet is selected. Click on this to open network options.
Find an option like "Custom RPC" or "Custom Network" and select it.
Enter the following information:
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:
After entering the information, click "Save" or "Confirm".
MetaMask will automatically switch to the Binance Smart Chain network. You'll see the BSC network icon at the top.
For Trust Wallet:
Open the Trust Wallet app and navigate until you reach the main screen.
Tap on the gear icon in the top right corner and find the "Networks" option.
Find and select "Binance Smart Chain (BSC)".
Enter the following information:
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:
After entering the information, tap "Save" or "Confirm".
Trust Wallet will automatically switch to the Binance Smart Chain network. You'll see the BSC network icon on the main screen.
Adding CentA to Your Wallet: To add CentA to your wallet, follow these steps:
Switch MetaMask or Trust Wallet to the Binance Smart Chain network.
Go to your wallet and find the "Add Token" option.
Paste the Contract Address: 0x3E3f88Da26269A1A1ecc599ef2c3C6800637E086 into the Contract Address field.
The other fields will auto-fill.
Click "Add" or "Confirm".
CentA token will be added to your wallet.
Now, you can see and manage your CentA token in your wallet.
Last updated